Sunday, 27 March 2011

Final SWOT evaluation on “Steampunk” project

Work completed: AD108
-          What advantages did I have: one of the advantages I had with this project is the fact that I knew what I wanted to do at the start and I was very determined to get done. By having this determination it did make the project progress better.
-          What section of the work did I complete well:  I think the section of work that was completed best for me was my portfolio work, I say this because I was given a certificate that was chosen from the employees of Phaze. (at the final hand in date two people from Phaze came in and disused everyone’s work and then decided on two designs they like the best and two portfolios witch they felt showed the concept and progression of the project well).
-          What was seen as my strength through this project (with in tutorials and results):  thought this project I would say that my time keeping and organisational skills showed the best. Throughout this project I set my self-target deadlines a week before the work needed to be completed, in doing so I had spare time just in case any thing went wrong.
-          Which of my achievements in this project am I most proud of: I am most proud of being selected for a certificate for the company Phaze, although my skills still need a lot of improving its nice to know I’m heading in the right direction.

-          What task did I avoid in this project: the task i avoided was the written report. I have never completed a writing report to the standards that were asked of me there for I was very nervous about completing it
-          What do other see as my weakness: one again my weakness is still my spelling and punctuation, I have always found this difficult but have tackled it the best I could, for instance with this project I asked the teacher to read through my work before the hand in this was incredible helpful and I was able to see the mistakes that I had made.
-          What are my negative work habits: my negative habit for this project would be not caring over my notch points when completing my patterns, because I forgot to do this I would always have to go back and find out where they needed to be.
-          What holds me back: the thing that holds me back the most is my spelling and my lack of knowledge of garment construction. 
My shirt on show for Phaze.

Throughout this project I have learnt many new skills and developed ones I already have and I am very pleased with my final outcome. To get more feedback for my work I was able to talk to a member of the “Phaze” company, and hear their thoughts on my garment and portfolio work. She really enjoyed looking through my portfolio and mini sketchbook as it showed my thought process well, however it was suggested that the next time I try making a Steampunk garment for women, to make it more feminine and may add lace to my design. 
Selection of the other students work and the layout of the room for Phaze.

Selection of the other students work and the layout of the room for Phaze

Selection of the other students work and the layout of the room for Phaze

Selection of the other students work and the layout of the room for Phaze

Selection of work showing portfolios and the layout for Phaze.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

AD108 Images of my final shirt, completed:


Front pin.

Back chain.

AD108 Extras:

Selection of chains i used to create the extras for my shirt.

Front pin on my shirt.

Chain on the back of my shirt.

From the very beginning I had decided to decorate my shirt with Steampunk inspired accessories, by doing so it would give my design something individual and helped to complete my design so that it would stand out.

AD108 Completed shirt:

Here is a selection of images that show my completed shirt design. As you can see there is a combination of both leather and cotton with rich colours to show the Steampunk theme. 
Front of shirt.

Side of shirt.

Back of shirt.

Side of shirt.

Close up of elbow.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Current projects and progress:

AD108: for this project as you know I need an A3 inspiration board, A3 fabric board, A3 colour board and A3 flat bard, a selection of flat designs and I also need a pattern of my final design along with a Toile and final garment and a report on Steampunk.
Currently I am readjusting my boards as after a tutorial with my teacher we discuss taking my boards to the next level and improving them, I have also completed my toile and almost finished both my report and final garment. As far as my report is concerned I have found it quite difficult as I have never wrote my own report in such detail and I have also found it difficult to find research on the Steampunk subject, however I think I have completed it to the best of my ability’s as of now.
Hand in date: 22nd March 2011 

AD107: CAAD, this is a section of work that will help my computer design skills, designing flats related to AD108 (Steampunk) I will be using illustrator and will have an end product of 2 A3 flat boards showing my end designs and inspiration a long with a diary showing the development of my work and skills on the software, and finally a 1000 word essay on other peoples work who have used illustrator and there practices.
Hand in date: 12th April 2011

AD101: PPD this is a self-developed project were I have been asked to create this blog showing the development of my work and what inspires me over the time of this project, it also allows me to write a sort of diary online showing other people what I have been up to on this project but also within my own time over the next few months. As well as this blog I have also been asked to put together a file of inspiration showing what influences me over the next few weeks.
Hand in date: 18th April 2011

AD104: This project consists of two sections the first a report on a major department store in Newcastle, I have chosen Fenwick and will be looking in to the how the store is run, its income, the target audience as well as its historical background and many other sections that make the store the way it is today. By doing this it will allow me to understand more about the industry I may end up working in.
The second section is a 1000 essay that on a subject of my choice showing social and economic changes as well as environmental effects on today’s fashion industry and how this will affect fashion in the future.
Hand in date: 4th April 2011

These are my current projects that need to be completed; I will be keeping you up to date with each one over the next few weeks.